Freitag, 29. März 2024

WHICH DANCES or how to imagine a future beyond extraction @Volkskundemuseum

I am very happy to join my long-time collaborator Sabina Holzer in her workshop week about Aluminum and Extractivism in Volkskunde Museum from 9th-14th of April. We have managed to invite my friend Esther Figueroa's film "Fly me to the Moon" and will host a somatic and theoretical workshop on the following day. We will think about possible futures beyond extractivism in which I will talk a little about my current researches about Zadism and radical activist cosmologies. 


Zischende Klänge, funkelnde Lichter und schwerelose Beweglichkeit wollen sich der Schönheit des Materials, der Intelligenz des Bodens und der Erde, aus der es kommt, widmen. Es heißt ja, Metall habe kein Gedächtnis. Wir fragen, was würde uns Aluminium erzählen, wenn es eines hätte? Würden wir erfahren, dass der Bauxitabbau durch seine Auswirkungen auf Luft- und Wasserqualität, auf die Landwirtschaft und die Ökologie das Leben und die Lebensgrundlage der umliegenden Gemeinden beeinträchtigt? Würde es uns über die Zerstörung der letzten verbliebenen Naturgebiete in abgelegenen Teilen der Welt informieren? Würde es uns fragen, warum gleichzeitig riesige Mengen an Energie für die Herstellung eines Metalls verbraucht werden, das nur einigen Volkswirtschaften Wachstum und Modernisierung ermöglicht, und diese somit noch mehr Energie und Ressourcen erfordern? Würde es uns fragen, ob wir uns einen nachhaltigen Konsum überhaupt vorstellen können? Weil es eigentlich bedeutet, ein anderes Verständnis von Glück und Erfüllung entwickeln zu können, um so unserem Zusammenleben eine andere Richtung zu geben?

Samstag, 9. März 2024

The CARS WE LIKE - some impressions from the workshop

Since it was such a blast, I want to already share with you some images of the first two days (!) of the five-day workshop of the Futurama.Lab by Rainer Prohaska and myself of last week. They form a really nice photo-story and can spark your imagination of how far we actually got on day 5, of which I am still waiting for the photos. Enjoy & see you on the streets soon!

 Photos by Rainer Prohaska. More info on the workshop see here.

Donnerstag, 7. März 2024

"An Ecology of Morals" - Salon Futur #2 with Alexis Shotwell - 19.3 18:30

The March-edition of the now monthly "Salon Futur" by the Futurama.Lab will host a special treat: Alexis Shotwell and me will be presenting our emerging collaborative research entitled "An Ecology of Morals". The presentation will take place on the 19th of March, 18:30-20:30 at the Bildraum Studio of Ankerbrotfabrik, Absberggasse 27, 1100 Vienna. Find more information below and I am really looking forward to see you there!


lädt herzlichst in den "SALON FUTUR" zum Thema
"An Ecology of Morals"

GAST: Alexis Shotwell 
HOST: Kilian Jörg & Sabrina Rosina
LOCATION: Bildraum Studio, Ankerbrotfabrik, Absberggasse 27, 1100 Wien 
DATE: Tuesday, 19th of March, 18:30-20:30

This edition of "SALON FUTUR" invites you to explore the tricky moral conundrum that environmental acting and thinking is encompassed with. Why, in a time were everybody feels the need to change, do we have such a hard time to ethically demand that change? Do we fear to be „moralizing“ more than to be continuing the ecocidal status quo?

Our invited guest will be the Canadian philosopher and sociologist Alexis Shotwell who will present their current collaborative book-project with Salon Futur-host Kilian Jörg. „An Ecology of Morals“ tries to stir clear of predominant fears of individualizing, woke-ness and cancel culture by regarding morals as a ecological practice. We seek to undo the little reflected dualism between “ethics” and “morals” by understanding morality as a oikos-based practice that should much rather be regarded as a collective environmental politics than an individualized obligation.

Since this collaborative research is at an early stage, Alexis and Kilian will be particularly curious to hear your stories on the matter. What are your experiences with addressing issues that everybody seems to agree on, but still nobody acts on? Do you sometimes avoid questioning your friends and colleagues for what you regard to be ecocidal behavior in spite of your desire to do so? We are particularly interested in your stories and would love to discuss them within the theoretical framework we will present in this Salon Futur. See you there, your FUTURAMA LAB-team


ABOUT: In the format "SALON FUTUR" experts are invited every month to enter into an open and transdisciplinary dialogue with FUTURAMA LAB participants and guests on a key topic. The "SALON FUTUR" is a format of the "FUTURAMA DAYS".

The FUTURAMA LAB and the "FUTURAMA DAYS 2024" event series are kindly supported by

Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, öffentlichen Dienst und Sport . BMKOES
Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien . MA 7