This is the blog / recent activities of Kilian Jörg, a philosopher and artist mainly working on the ecological catastrophe and how we can culturally work with it. Find more on my homepage
Unbound is a collective devoted to opening up new forms and spaces
for philosophy outside its classical habitats. After many successful
events, workshops and performances in Vienna, Austria and Berlin,
Germany, Philosophy Unbound will now investigate the possibilities of
its format in New Delhi, India.
Unbound organises
a two
day mini-festival for performance
philosophy at the
School of Arts and Aesthetics (SAA)
JNU from 9th
to 10th of March 2018. In line with this open format, the topic of
March’s event is
DETEXT. Our format is held very open and we encouraged
everybody – be it students, artists or researchers of various
fields to send us their proposals for this first interdisciplinary
gathering of that kind. Since most of our institutions regard only
textual output as “serious” contributions, we want to open a
space to detext
give you freedom to express your ideas outside the mastermedium of
text. Show us an installation without having to worry about an
explanatory text, give us a lecture without all the necessary
footnotes to a rigid canon, dance your philosophical ideals without
having to open your mouth to utter complete phrases! The
program includes installations, video-projections, performances,
reading sessions, lectures and much more.
Unbound: DE:TEXT will take place on 9th & 10th of March 2018,
10-21h at
the School of Arts & Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University
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