Freitag, 27. März 2015


life’s so little to live on
body wails
jealously contemplating the mind
rushing by thoughtlessly

galactic voyages
must be pursued
infinitely more attractive
gravitational trap

constructs himself highways
still don’t catch up, don’t match
soil turned star dust, soon
will be victim & mutual collapse

Freitag, 13. März 2015

Philosophy Unbound #2 - The Feminist Edition

I forgot to mention this earlier on my blog, but we have started a new collective called Philosophy Unbound last year. We are dedicated to provide a new space for philosophy outside its traditional (academic) realms and mediums - we believe philosophy can dance, sing, play, shout, kick, perform and many more things and found the "Club culture" environment to be quite a fertile soil for philosophy (if you liberate it from the rigid eliteness and up-tightness it is usually associated with).

Our first event happend on the 15th of January 2015 and was quite a major success. Now - on March the 25th we will have the second edition with a special focus on feminism. It will take place at Celeste and Spektakel theatreat Hamburgerstraße 14 and 18, 1050 Vienna. Start: 20h on time - be there earlier for we expect quite many to come.

For more information about the event, please see and our blog

For more information about philosophy unbound, please read our manifesto here:

Hope to see you there!
PS: Philosophy Unbound #3 will most likely happen on 13th of May - save the date!