Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2023

A Tool for Decomposing the „World as We Know it“? Resilience beyond Critique and Affirmation

In writing my book about the car (that will be titled "Autodestruktion - das moderne Selbst in der ökologischen Katastrophe" and will be released next September in'shallah), I have written some preparatory papers in English to work out the theoretical implications of my philosophy of the car as one of the main prostheses to attach our selves to modern lifestyles. They are also the best sources in English as of now to get to know more about my main project these last years (maybe next to this video of a talk of mine).

The first one has already been released a couple of months ago:

 A third one will be released beginning of next year with the title

  • The Car as a Machine producing Nature 
Now the middle one has been released with the title:

A Tool for Decomposing the „World as We Know it“?

Resilience beyond Critique and Affirmation

It is a condensation of my year-long critical occupation with the term "resilience" that I have started with my book "Backlash - Essays zur Resilienz der Moderne" and will still play an important role in "Autodestruktion". 
The abstract of the now released paper is:

The critique of „Resilience“ as a predominately neoliberal concept that individualizes responsibility and depoliticizes the causes of crises of late-modern statehood is certainly en vogue in the more critical branches of the Humanities. However, in spite of a significant proliferation of these critiques the concept continues to spread almost unhalted. To understand this, I want to investigate the shortcomings – and even complacency – of modern critique with what it criticizes. By reading Isabelle Stengers, Tom Boland and Denise Ferreira da Silva, I want to propose a different approach towards resilience that is not only critical, but also affirms it as a critical tool to dismantle our toxic entanglements with the neoliberal state of the “world as we know it”, as Ferreira da Silva puts it. By learning from some fringe discourses within economic theory, I want to propose a methodology of examining the resilience of political problems with the aim of slowly decomposing them. By proposing an angle of a critical examination of the “resilience of Modernity” in order to overcome this world, I want to illustrate how resilience can be translated affirmatively as a critical tool to the Humanities.


Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023

Ist eine autofreie Stadt möglich oder nur eine Spinnerei? - Panel at KAOS Berlin, 3.11.2023 19h

I have been invited to give an introductory input to and participate at a panel about the Utopia of a Car-Free City of Berlin. Given the current government of CDU and SPD that mainly fed on the resentment of car-drivers in the last election, I think this is a particularly challenging and engaging topic and I will be very happy to try to broaden our scope to create more inclusive and fun utopias that can enable people to de-tach from the very toxic realism of the Status Quo. I will be discussing with activists and politicians and am both excited and curious about the encounters!

Join us on Friday, the 3rd of November at KAOS. Find the Event-Link here and the description in German below.

Initiativen wie „Volksentscheid Berlin autofrei", „Aktionsbündnis A100 stoppen!" oder die „Bürger*innen-Initiative Wuhlheide" setzen sich für eine Verkehrswende und für die Abwendung von der autozentrierten Stadt ein.

Die Debatte um den Bau der TVO (Tangentialverbindung Ost) hat die
Bedeutsamkeit dieser Diskussionen für Treptow-Köpenick sichtbar gemacht.
Im Wahlkampf zur Abgeordnetenhauswahl 2023 und auch im politischen Alltagsgeschäft standen und stehen dagegen vermehrt die Perspektiven von autofahrenden Menschen im Fokus.

Die Diskussion um verkehrs- und klimapolitische Themen löst Emotionen aus. Wir möchten verschiedene Positionen zu diesen Themen an einen Tisch bringen und diskutieren.

Dazu laden „KLIMA IM KAOS" des KAOS e.V. und das „Zentrum für Demokratie Treptow-Köpenick" am 3. November 2023 zu einer Diskussionsveranstaltung in das KAOS in Berlin-Oberschöneweide ein.

Beginn: 19:00 Uhr, Einlass: 18:30 Uhr

Der Eintritt ist frei.
Barrierefreiheit: Der Veranstaltungsraum ist nur über eine Treppe zu erreichen. Ein Aufzug ist leider nicht vorhanden.