Samstag, 16. Juli 2022

exhaust(ed) entanglements - video documentation online

The online-documentation of the conference "exhaust(ed) entanglements - overcoming the auto-self of the Anthropocene" has now gone online. Below you can find my keynote and following this link you can find all the videos we were allowed to upload. I think it has become a very nice little archive about cars and out exhaust(ed) entanglements to them - and I can already announce that there will be more next year! 


Exhaust(ed) Entanglements - Kilian Jörg: Keynote from CRC Affective Societies on Vimeo.

Freitag, 15. Juli 2022

Ökologischer Antifaschismus? Versuch einer Ausweitung der Kampfzone fürs 21. Jahrhundert

Mainly inspired by the ground-breaking book "White Skin, Black Fuel" by Andreas Malm and the Zetkin Collective, I have speculated about a new kind of alliance between Anti-Fascism and Ecological Activism for the 21st century. I want to understand the fight against (the hegemony of) Automobility, coal industry etc. as an anti-fascist struggle against the material heritage of European Fascism. The text appeared in German in the July Edition of Volksstimme and can be read online here.    

"Im 21. Jahrhundert sollte sich die Erinnerungskultur von den Gräueltaten der NS-Verbrecher*innen ausweiten auf ihr materielles Erbe, welches bis heute sowohl in vielen staatstragenden Namen wie im materiellen Erbe in Form von Straßennetzen, vernachlässigten Bahnverbindungen und irrationaler Förderung von fossilen Brennstoffen fortbesteht. Ausschwitz liegt in einem Kohlerevier und in einigen Nebenlagern wurden die Häftlinge auch durch Zwangsarbeit im Untertagebau ermordet. Auf eine ähnliche Weise ist die »freie Fahrt für freie Bürger« mit den Aufschrift »Arbeit mach frei« und »Jedem das Seine« der Konzentrationslager Theresienstadt und Buchenwald verbunden. Wer heute einen Porsche mit Stolz fährt, reiht sich unwissentlich und unwillentlich in diese Tradition ein. Wenn wir bald mal wieder auf der Baustelle der aktuellen Stadtautobahn zur Lobau stehen und diese besetzen, können wir mit Fug und Recht auch »Alerta Antifascista« rufen und so dem Antifaschismus eine neue Kraft verleihen."

Montag, 4. Juli 2022

Affect as Disruption: Affective Experimentation, Automobility, and the Ecological Crisis


Together with Paul Schuetze, Imke von Maur and Jan Slaby, I have published a paper titled "Affect as Disruption: Affective Experimentation, Automobility, and the Ecological Crisis" in the just-released "Methodologies of Affective Experimentation" Anthology at Palgrave. 

Find the abstract below, the link to the anthology here and the link to the paper here.

"In this text we construe affect as a conservative force, as glue that holds social life in place. With this starting point, we direct our attention towards the unfolding of the ecological crises. Using the case of ‘automobile supremacy’, we discuss a paradigmatic affective formation that keeps Western societies deadlocked in a loop of business as usual, preventing them from adequately addressing the climate catastrophe. Drawing on the concepts of affective arrangement and affective milieu, we chart some of the affective groundings of automobile supremacy and of the widespread failure to overcome the status quo. In response to this conservative thrust of affect, we then survey how ossified affective formations can be disrupted and eventually left behind. Can affect itself be deployed as a resource to disturb, fracture, and break sedimented social formations and patterns? In search of an answer, we explore prospects of obstruction leaning on affective experimentation as a creative method of disruption. By discussing ways to disturb automobility in its unfettered flow, we provide an angle on modes of disruption as small-scale openings that abruptly and momentarily halt the affective relations that were sustaining social formations before."