Donnerstag, 7. Dezember 2017

Two German newspaper articles on Alf Hornborg's Basic Income Model

In the last weeks Jorinde Schulz and me have published two articles on Alf Hornborgs Basic Income Model in German newspapers. We both think that this model, which can be found outlined by himself in English here, solves most of the open problems of the much discussed issue and opens the way towards a new social contract that could help solve our ecological problems at the same time as our social ones.

A longer, more argumentative article was published in Berliner Gazette on 15th of November and is titled "Radikal pragmatisch: Grundeinkommen und lokale Währung zusammendenken"

A shorter commentary article which contextualizes this concept in the contemporary German political landscape was published in taz on 30th of November and is titled "Wenn, dann radikal"

Donnerstag, 30. November 2017

Presentation: BACKLASH - Essays zur Resilienz der Moderne

Next Tuesday I will read excerpts of my upcoming book project "Backlash - Essays zur Resilienz der Moderne" to which I would wholeheartedly invite everybody to join a discussion about some of the causes for the contemporary frightful developments in politics and our regressive culture in general. Find the German invitation below.

Liebe Freunde!
Nächsten Dienstag werde ich eine kleine Lesung und Diskussion zu meinem aktuellen Buchprojekt halten, zu der ich euch sehr herzlich einladen möchte: Lasst uns gemeinsam über den allgemeinen, sozio-kulturellen Backlash reden, den niemand mehr ignorieren kann!

Der sozio-kulturelle Backlash unseres Jahrzehnts lässt sich nicht mehr ignorieren. Panisch wie euphorisch stimmende Namen wie Trump, AFD, Le Pen, Modi oder Erdoğan symbolisieren nur die Spitze eines regressiven Eisberges, von dem wir allzu gerne ignorieren, dass wir alle Teil von ihm sind. Hinter den großen makropolitischen Entwicklungen verbirgt sich eine mikropolitische Dynamik, die uns - so progressiv wir uns auch gehaben - alle zu Trump, alle vom dystopischen Status-Quo abhängig machen.

In meinem aktuellen Buchprojekt mit dem Titel "Backlash - Essays zur Resilienz der Moderne" möchte ich einen Rahmen für diese Problematik schaffen um Fragen zu stellen, wie:

Warum kommen wir nicht los von der vielfach beklagten modernen Verfassung? Werden wir es jemals schaffen, uns auf die ökologische Bedrohung einzulassen, um auf sie adäquat zu reagieren? Wieso scheint alles gerade rückwärts zu laufen? Inwiefern können wir Lebenshaltungen entwickeln, der dem Backlash in uns allen entgegenwirkt?

Um eine gemeinsame Diskussion zu diesen Fragen zu starten, werde ich nächsten Dienstag einige Ausschnitte aus meinem Projekt vorlesen, die sich mit der Einbettung des Individuums in stark anthropogen veränderte Umwelten beschäftigen sowie wie daraus entstehende "Feedbackschleifen" eine Dynamik des Backlashes verhärten.

Ich freue mich auf Euer Kommen! Die Veranstaltung ist offen für alle, für Wein und Bier ist gesorgt! Auf einen schönen Abend heftiger Diskussion freut sich,
Kilian Jörg

Backlash - Essays zur Resilienz der Moderne
am 5.12. 20h im Antiquariat Kalligramm
Oranienstraße 28, 10999

*das Eventphoto ist den Opening Credits der HBO-Serie True Detective entnommen

Dienstag, 14. November 2017


The online documentation of my 10m long map-project "NIETZSCHE VERNUNFT KARTE" which is mapping the various concepts of "reason" in Nietzsche's entire oeuvre is now online. The map is - like Nietzsche's original writings - held in German and so is the documentation which can be found here.

Montag, 23. Oktober 2017

Dokumentation der Lesung "Versuch zu Hélène Cixous" von Sabina Holzer und Kilian Jörg

Diese performative Lesung fand am 19/10/2017 im Rahmen der Stoffwechsel-Werkstatt 2017 statt.
Sabina Holzer:

ein Ausschnitt des Texts findet sich hier.
(eine Gesamtpublikation steht noch aus)

Außerdem möchte ich hier in aller Kürze darauf hinweisen, dass ich nächsten Mittwoch, 25.10 um 16h eine kleine öffentliche Führung zu meiner NIETZSCHE VERNUNFT KARTE geben werde.


Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2017


These are some impressions of my ongoing project NIETZSCHE VERNUNFT MAP in which I am making a ca. 12m long map of Nietzsche's very diverse concepts of reason ("Vernunft") - the map is still in the making and you can visit me during the process of creating it every day between 16-21h (except Saturday) until the 25th of October at Stoffwechsel Werkstatt /ARTIST’s SPACE / Schutzhaus Zukunft - Drop by! We are several artists & theoreticians working together closely for more than two weeks. Furthermore we invited many guests and there are lectures, concerts, interventions etc. almost every evening!

For more Information (&documentation of the work in process of all participants), see:

Additionally, I can announce that I will have a collaborative reading-performance with Sabina Holzer at Stoffwechsel Werkstatt this Thursday, 20h - we will be performing one of our "reaction"-texts and already posted an excerpt of it here.

Montag, 9. Oktober 2017

Stoffwechsel public lab - 10th to 25th of October

From tomorrow on I will be part of the two week-long "Stoffwechsel-Werkstatt"

"After 2 years of artistic research the artists disclose their various artistic approaches and cordially invite you to visit and enter into dialogue with them during their research. This time the focus of attention is radically directed to the mutual permeations of various material and immaterial forms: How does art reflect? How does reflection with materials show in and through that material? How does this influence our social relationship patterns? And how can another concept of the world and its potentials of togetherness be made tangible and accessible to an audience?"

By and with Alfred Lenz (AT), Anita Kaya (AT), Axel Brom (AT), Claudia Heu (AT), Jack Hauser (AT), Kilian Jörg (AT/DE), Lisa Hinterreithner (AT), Sabina Holzer (AT), TE -R (Thomas Wagensommerer (AT) & Louise Linsenbolz (DE)), Yasmin Ritschl (DE/GB).

Furthermore, Arno Böhler & Susanne Granzer (AT), Brigid Roth (IRL), Elisabeth Schäfer (AT), Mariella Greil (AT), Nikolaus Gansterer (AT) are invited to
participate in the exchange with their artistic interventions. 

From October 10-25, 2017 (except Sat) // 4pm-9pm
Visit any time/ Free admission
Location: Im_flieger @ SCHUTZHAUS ZUKUNFT auf der Schmelz, 1150 Vienna
Public transport: U3 -> Johnstraße,
Bus 10A / 12A ->Auf der Schmelz, 48A -> Camillo-Sitte-Gasse,
Tram 9 -> Guntherstraße

more information on 

furthermore there will be a reading of the ongoing collaborative texts with Sabina Holzer and me on the 16th of October. More soon. 

Donnerstag, 28. September 2017

Fünf Berliner Miniaturen

In my last months in Berlin I have collected five little miniatures of occurrences around me. In German.

Fünf Berliner Miniaturen


Zehlendorf, Rost- und Silberlaube der FU

Eine Freundin und ich suchen – schon leicht verpeilt – einen neuen Arbeitsplatz. Das Bedürfnis nach Wasser Ab- und Zufuhr treibt uns in nächste Herrenklo. Während sich die Flasche umständlich schief füllt, erzähle ich von den Toilettenlogos im HKW. Dort sind an einer Tür Männerköpfe mit Röcken und an der anderen lange Haare und Brüste in Männerbeinen. Meine Freundin verlautbart, dass sie sowieso finde, alle Toiletten sollen unisex seien, was soll der konservative Mist von gender-dualistischen Toiletten überhaupt noch?
In diesem Moment kommt einer aus den Kabinenklos und die Freundin ist instinktiv peinlich berührt ob des Eindringens in dieses männliche Stille Örtchen. “Das ist ein politischer Akt!” witzel ich um Spannung raus zu nehmen. Der Typ ist offensichtlich eher müde, will zum Waschbecken um möglichst bald zurück zu was auch immer für einer Lehrveranstaltung zu kehren. Um nicht grob zu wirken, gibt er ein unbeteiligtes “Alles gut” von sich.


Kreuzberg, Kottbusser Tor

Einer Laune folgend, setze ich mich mitternachts an den Kotti. Ich bin der einzige Weiße, alle anderen haben dunklere Hautfarben und sind durch meine sitzende Anwesenheit etwas verunsichert. Ein - vermutlich - Latino kommt locker zu mir und fragt ob ich was brauche. Ich verneine freundlich und lass ihn bei beidseitiger Sympathie vorbeiziehen. Hinter mir sitzt ein ununterbrochen abgehackte arabische Sätze in sein Telefon sprechender Typ, der auch immer wieder anderen kleineren Boys Anweisungen und wohl auch anderes gibt. Ich schaue lieber nicht zu genau – fühle mich auch so schon als Zivilbulle eingeordnet und allgemeine Verunischerung produzierend. Meine Sorge beruhigt der Latino etwas, der zurück schlapft und mit leicht verliebten Blick fragt, ob ich denn sicher sei, nichts zu brauchen. Wir mögen uns und ich denke mir, wie interessant das ist. Mir, als zufällig der weißen Majorität angehöriger ist der Raum abstrakt-rechtlich zugesichert. Deswegen muss ich mich nicht konkret mit ihm auseinandersetzen. Die meiste Zeit laufe ich hier augenlos durch, so wie die anderen Hipster, Kulturbürger_innen und Bio-Käufer_innen. Setze ich mein abstraktes Recht auf diesen Raum ins konkrete um, merke ich, wie mir dieser gar nicht gehört. Wie dieser, gerade weil die Boys um mich von diesen System eher diskriminiert werden – und also nicht der abstrakten Raumgarantie trauen können – konkret einen Raum besetzten, von dem ich sofort instinktiv fühle, dass er nicht wirklich meiner ist, sobald ich die Ideenwelt des eiligen Passanten verlasse. Eine oberflächlich friedliche Koexistenz der verschiedenen Ideensphären.


Tempelhofer Feld, Mittags

Drei Kinder radeln – vielleicht soeben von der Schule befreit – eilig davon. Zwei fahren in der Kolonne nebeneinher und reden, während der vermutlich türkisch-stämmige Junge eher als Satellit um sie kreist und sich sichtlich ignoriert fühlt: “Mann ihr Blondinen, jetzt schaut doch mal her!” Die beiden reden unbeeindruckt weiter. “WWAAAAHHH – ich will auch im Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit stehen!!”


UdK, Bildhauereiklasse

Zwei Bildhauerei-Studierende unterhalten sich während der lauten Arbeit. Der eine erzählt der anderen, dass er jetzt neuerdings in Therapie sei, und welche Vorzüge die Psychoanalyse habe. “Da bekommt man Jahre eine staatlich finanzierte Person zu Verfügung gestellt, auf die man einfach alles projizieren kann. Mit der man machen kann, was man will.” Seine Gesprächspartnerin ist sich einig über die Vorzüge der Psychoanalyse, sie kenne auch immer mehr ihrer Freund_innen, die in Therapie seien. In einem Anflug des Übereifers verlautbart sie sogar, dass “es doch eigentlich ein Menschenrecht für jedermann sein sollte, eine Person zu haben, auf die man einfach alles – ohne Konsequenzen und Spätfolgen – projizieren kann. Das würde die Gesellschaft sicherlich um einiges weiter bringen.”


Herrfurther Straße, Eingang zum Tempelhofer Feld

Ein blonder, dicklicher Junge radelt große Bogen schlagend vom naß-nebelig verhangenen Tempelhofer Feld her und schreit in unregelmäßigen Abständen: “EDEKA! EDEKA! Ich komme EDEKA!” Als er mich in der herbstlichen Einsamkeit bemerkt, schreckt er auf, fasst sich aber bald und lächelt mir ein spitz-freundliches: “Salam a-leikum” zu.

Donnerstag, 14. September 2017

Two publications in the recent "engagée #5 - Maschine-Werden"

The beautiful magazine engagée ("für politisch-philosophische Einmischungen") just released its 5th edition (titled, incidentally, Maschine-Werden) and this time I am involved in two publications.

1) together with Sabina Holzer (and this time: Jack Hauser) and as part of Stoffwechsel - Ecologies of Cooperation I am experimenting with a new form of interactive writing we call "reactions". For this, we go to lectures of thinkers we are interested in and afterwards try to put the resulting humming of our heads into a more lyrically than logically operating text: in this method, we try to find a sound behind interesting theories. In this first result, entitled "Gaia, sie liebt mich, sie liebt mich nicht - eine Reaktion auf Alf Hornborgs Wienbesuch zu Machines as Machinations" we reacted to Alf Hornborgs visit to our laboratory in Vienna. More reactions to other lecturers will follow!

2) In a presentation of Hito Steyerl's installation Factory of the Sun, an excerpt of my publication "be part of the problem, not the solution" was republished.

The texts are not yet online. The magazine can be ordered here.

with love from Gaia.

Mittwoch, 23. August 2017

Typewriter-Klangwelten at Pop-Kultur Festival

As part of the Typewriter-Klangwelten workshop, I will be performing this Friday at 21h and 22h at Pop-Kultur Festival in Kulturbrauerei Berlin. We will combine text and music production live on stage and try to make these two artforms interact, merge and create new perspectives. Feel free to drop by!

Freitag, 28. Juli 2017

Ecological Art and the Resilience of Modernism

The somewhat infamous NON has published an article of mine. It is called "Ecological Art and the Resilience of Modernism" and is a follow up to "be part of the problem, not the solution", both of which emerged from my research around the installation "the lure of modernism".
In this text, I am trying to argue that our classical understand of "ecological art" is naive and counterproductive in any ecological sense. I am proposing to regard genres like Industrial Music or Electronic Music as much more worthwhile for any serious ecological purpose than easily-marketable, green-washed camouflages.

Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017

the lure of modernism (documentation)

The installation the lure of modernism creates an experimental setting in which the visitor can experience and research the narrow border between fear and ecstasy, adrenaline and endorphins, toxicity and intoxication.  
In this, it tries to find a metaphor for our global ecological situation, which can be described like this: although we live in the constant fear that our machine-dependent lifestyles will be - in the long run - deadly for most of us (humanity as we know it), we still seem to be stuck with it. We know of its danger, but we are mesmerized by it. We are hooked on what will eventually kill us.

In the setting of the installation, the potentially lethal gas is Carbon Monoxide (CO), emitted from a combustion engine producing electricity for the other necessary machines: a leafs blower and an LED-board.
The level of CO inside the installation ranges from 150 to 500 ppm. Given that the legal limit for an 8 hours working day in Austria and Germany is 35 ppm, the level is 5 to 15 times higher than the permitted maximum. If the visitor would stay inside for 2 to 3 hours, s/he would get a headache and nausea. However, nobody is allowed to stay in longer than for an absolute maximum of 10 minutes. 
Before entering (maximum 3 people at a time) the visitor(s) are told, that inside the room they will encounter a very messy entanglement of nature (as leafs) and culture (as plastic garbage). As machine-optimistic environmentalists (as we all are) our task is to separate the two neatly. For this purpose, machines have been provided. The visitor is asked to blow the plastic garbage out of the window (this is how we deal with ecological problems: we get them out of sight) using the leafs blower. However s/he is also warned, that the more use of the machines are made, the more toxic the room will get.

Most visitors stay in for the maximum of the time, resulting in the need to ask them out. They enjoy the task of "cleaning up nature" with the loud and smelly machinery and fall prey to the lure of modernism. It is not by accident that the leafs blower is a very phallic machine. In entering, most people's bodies go into some "danger mode", their blood's adrenaline level rises and they are increasingly alert. However, when they take up the phallus, they become subjects, degrading the environment to a passive assemblage of objects. Out of this results a certain feeling of power and ecstasy. The toxic gases and the loud noise becomes an anthem and further stimuli to their agency as powerful humans, dominating nature. In this feeling, which the installation allures us into, we become unaware of our ecological situation and fall in love with the highly dangerous status quo of the environment.

The installation was the diploma work of my MA in Arts&Science at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and has been awarded with the recognition price of the city of Vienna. It has been on display from 15th to 22nd of June 2017 at Expositur Hohenstaufengasse in Vienna. Further exhibits are planed (if you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me). 


Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2017

Philosophy Unbound #17 - Bullshit

This Saturday, Philosophy Unbound will examine the vast realms of bullshit, gibberish and non-sense!

Sehr geehrte Forschungsgemeinde, liebe Bullshitologinnen und Bullshitologen, wir laden zum ersten internationalen Bullshitologiekongress! / Dear scientific community, most honoured fellow bullshitologists, we are very pleased to invite you to the first international congress on Bullshitology!

Contributions by (all in German this time)
Sebastian Lederle
Monsterfrau & Herbert Lacina
Mae Lune
Claudia Ungersbäck
Walter Ego
Yasmin Ritschl & Sandro Huber

The afterparty will take place at Wiener Freiheit!

Entry: Free Donation - Suggestion 5€ (we are a No-Budget Organisation: everything will go to the performers)

24th of June 2017 - 20h (sharp)
at Spektakel Wien, Hamburger Straße 14, 1050 Vienna 

detailed program on


Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017

the lure of modernism

"How do the machines bewitch us?
In his installation the lure of modernism, Kilian Jörg explores the blurry border between fear and ecstasy, adrenaline and endorphins and finds a sensual metaphor for our contemporary situation. Although we know that our frantic machine of permanent progress will most likely end up being lethal for most of humanity, we still stick with it. We know we have to change, but we cannot. To better understand this dangerous standstill, the installation invites the spectator to inhale the dirt of the machine with joy."

From 15th to 22nd of June I am presenting my installation the lure of modernism at Expositur Hohenstaufengasse 9, SR 94 on the fifth floor. The main actor of the installation will be Carbon Monoxide, accompanied by a power engine, a leaves blower, an LED board and loads of garbage. I cordially invite you to visit the exhibition and to feel the lure of modernism with your own body*.

The installation will be open from
15th to 22nd of June from 16-18h (or by appointment: kilian[at]jorg[dot]at)
at Expositur Hohenstaufengasse 9, 1010 Vienna, 5th floor, Seminarraum 94

*In the installation, controlled levels of the poisonous gas Carbon Monoxide will be emitted. You will be asked to sign a letter of informed consent for entering and are strongly dis-encouraged to enter if you are pregnant or have a heart condition. If this is not the case, the effects of the gas for the maximum stay of 10 minuted should have no negative effects.


Interacting Performance:

B Ajay Sharma: Holding your breath is equal to protest
On Sunday, 18th of June, Indian performance artist B Ajay Sharma will do a guest performance inside the installation. He will do an interactive piece on Yogic breathing techniques and air pollution. The Delhi - one of the most polluted cities of the world - resident is examining Swar Yoga to hold you breath in toxic environments.This training is a cynical reference to survival for in times of political turmoil, where people are suggested to buy oxygen masks and air filters to survive.

The performance will take place three times this Sunday, the 18th of June 2017. At 13h, 15h and 17h (duration 1.5 hours). Since there is limited capacity, it would be nice if you could pre-register to kilian[at]jorg[dot]at

Few general instructions:
1) Please do not drink alcohol on that that.
2) Please do not eat anything heavy for 2 hours prior to the performance.
3) Please bring a bottle of water.

*The installation the lure of modernism can also be seen during the breaks.


Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2017

Talk "Different perspectives on materials" at Das Weiße Haus on 9/5/17 at 15h

On Friday I will have a talk on the role of technology together with Johannes Wittman, Clemens Rettenbacher, Johanna Folkmann and Rosie Benn. It will take place at Das Weiße Haus (Hegelgasse 14, 1010 Vienna) at around 15h this Friday, 9/7/17. Find the entire program of the day below: 

Circuit Training - Accompanying program on 9/7/17:

An afternoon of talks and performancesreflecting on questions concerning the exhibited projects. Chaired by Brishty Alam and Valerie Deifel.

Session I 14:00–17:00

Chronicae Aetatis Hominum Physicorum   
Reading. Introduction of the science-fiction book by Júlia Mag.
On the road to supersymmetry
Lecture by Helmut Eberl (particle physicist, HEPHY). Organised by Andrea Vezga.
An introduction to supersymmetry topics picked out by Eberl from the exhibited projects.   

How real is real – What ophthalmology tells us   
Presentation by Christoph Mitsch (ophthalmologist, Medical University Vienna). In relation to 'Reality' by Denise Schellmann.   
How much of what we see is real and how much is constructed? A talk on the anatomical, biological, neurological and pathological aspects that have significant influence on our visual perception of reality.
Different perspectives on materials   
Talks by Johannes Wittman (engineer, HEPHY), Kilian Jörg (philosopher/artist) and Clemens Rettenbacher (TBA21).
A reflection on the research film 'The State of The Observer' by Johanna Folkmann and Rosie Benn.   
A discussion exploring different perspectives on the ethics of technology, materiality and the entanglement of a globalised world system.   

Session II 17:30–19:30

Broadening the horizons of 'extra dimensions'   
Talks by Eni Brandner (animator), Gregor Schwellenbach (musician) and Matthias Fink (architect).   
In relation to 'Umkehren um 180 oder 360 Grad!!' by Golnaz Bashiri.   
Everyday experiences of 'extra-dimensions' across different locations.

Thinking about sound-image relations in film through Vlado Kristl
Lecture performance by Marina Rebhandl and Valerie Deifel (film theorist).   
In relation to 'All Beginnings from Before' by Marina Rebhandl.   
A collage of theoretical notions on sound-image relations presented alongside a film from Vlado Kristl, a Croatian experimental filmmaker working between the 1950s and 2000s.
Accelerating Silence   
Live sound set by Masha Dabelka (sound artist) in response to 'Circuit Game' by Natalia Gurova.
Musical performance based on processed abstracts of recorded interviews with CERN scientists taken by Natalia Gurova.   
Drinks & Performances 19:30

Circuit game-play tour (20-30 min)
by Natalia Gurova.   
Pic du Pursuit (Until closing)    
One-to-one performance
by Lala Nomada.  

More Information here and here.

Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2017

Be part of the problem, not the solution.

I have contributed with a text on political and ecological art to the current Enkunstung Journal. It is explaining why - in days of inflationary conspiracy theories and right wing populism - it might be more productive to examine the problem more closely, rather than denouncing it. For this purpose, I am discussing the works of Hito Steyerl, Adam Curtis and Mikka Rottenberg. You can find the text here.

*I do not own the rights of the images re-posted here.

Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2017

Footage of Alf Hornborg's Viennese Lecture & Workshop in April 2017

As several people have asked me to, I am putting the video footage of the lecture and workshop of Alf Hornborg on my blog.

Technological infrastructures developed in wealthier parts of the world are products of accumulation based on asymmetric global flows of biophysical resources from less affluent areas. Technological progress, in this view, is not so much a matter of ingenious and innocent breakthroughs in engineering as of devising new and profitable systems for displacing work and environmental pressures to other populations and geographical areas. This, I argue, is the essential rationale of globalized technological systems: rather than an index of generalized human progress – the pure, transcendent knowledge epitomized by the myth of Prometheus – technology since the Industrial Revolution is fundamentally an arrangement for redistributing resources in global society. Modern technology requires not just ingenuity and specialized knowledge, but also global discrepancies in market prices. It is thus as inextricably connected to societal injustices as slavery or serfdom.

Alf Hornborg is Professor of Human Ecology at Lund University since 1993. He received his Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Uppsala in 1986 and has taught at Uppsala and at the University of Gothenburg. He has done field research in Peru, Nova Scotia, the Kingdom of Tonga, and Brazil. His primary research interest is the cultural and political dimensions of human-environmental relations in past and present societies, particularly from the perspective of world-system analysis. This has led him to explore various perspectives not only from anthropology but also from trans-disciplinary fields such as environmental history, ecological economics, political ecology, and development studies. The central ambition has been to examine how specific cultural assumptions constrain human approaches to economics, technology, and ecology, and how such assumptions tend to serve as ideologies that reproduce social relations of power.

Lecture held on 24th of April 2017 at Depot Vienna, Workshop on the 25th of April 2017 at imflieger Vienna
Chair: Kilian Jörg, Bernd Kraeftner

Invitation by the Art & Science master’s programme, University of Applied Arts Vienna, in context of the lecture series “Natura Naturans: In the woods” (;
In cooperation with Im_flieger/Vienna, in context of the transmedia research project STOFFWECHSEL – Ecologies of Collaboration,
with differently involved artists and theoreticians, experimenting with structural and artistic entanglements.

Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2017

Explosophy - Saturday, 6.5.17 at Venster99 Vienna

Philosophy Unbound will have another of our Explosophy-parties at Venster99. We will have two wonderful live-acts and lena:k and myself will be DJing b2b all night long. I am very much looking forward to that!

Oskar May

lena:k [Maschinenraum]
KLN [Philosophy Unbound]

Entry: 5€

Door: 22h
Concerts: 23h

@Venster99 - Stadtbahnbogen 99, Währinger Gürtel, 1090 Vienna

Montag, 1. Mai 2017

Transdisciplinary Jam Session #3 - this Thursday, 4/5/17 @moe Vienna

For the last time before wonderful moe has to shut down, we will organise a trans-disciplinary Jam Session. This time we will include a fourth discipline to it: dance.
This means you can now contribute in either Music, Image, Text or Dance.

It will happen on this Thursday, the 4th of May 19:30 at moe Vienna, Thelemangasse 4, 1170 Vienna.

Bring your talents, your curiosity or just your presence. Contributions in all mediums are possible and strongly encouraged.

for more Images of the last time, click here. 

Donnerstag, 13. April 2017

Alf Hornborg: Machines as Machinations - Rethinking the Ontology of Technology - 25.4.17, Depot Vienna

I am very happy to announce that - with the kind support of the Arts&Science Department of the University of Applied Arts and Im_flieger - I managed to invite a particularly interesting ecological polymath and thinker to Vienna. He is still mostly unknown in the germanophone world, but ever since I encountered him, I am thrilled with his concepts and am sure I will not be the only one. His way of understanding technology as a vehicle of (material and human) inequalities is extremely inspiring and helps to think of new politics that combine classically understood "leftist" agendas with "green" or "ecological" ones.

Tuesday, 25th of April 2017, 19:00
@ Depot, Breite Gasse 3, 1070
Rethinking the Ontology of Technology
Lecture and Panel
In Alf Hornborgs view technological progress is not so much a matter of ingenious and innocent breakthroughs in engineering as of devising new and profitable systems for displacing work and environmental pressures to other populations and geographical areas.The essential rationale of globalized technological systems is thus as inextricably connected to societal injustices as slavery or serfdom. Hornborg´s political scope enables to better understand how social and environmental problems are inherently connected.

Alf Hornborg, Human Ecology, Lund University

Anita Kaya, Im_flieger Artists’ Association
Bernd Kräftner, Art & Science, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Moderation: Kilian Jörg, Philosopher/Artist

In Kooperation mit Art & Science master´s programme, Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien, Im_flieger - independent Artists’ Association Wien und dessen Forschungsprojekt Stoffwechsel - Ökologien der Zusammenarbeit

Samstag, 1. April 2017

Love and Hate - Philosophy Unbound #15

Next Thursday, the 6th of April 2017, Philosophy Unbound will have its 15th edition with the title "Love and Hate"


- Cléo Tabakian: tba
- Frieda Paris und Lukas Katzer: the    Ballade of _&_
- Georg Eckmayr: tba
- Jad al Mubaraki: BAGHDADI
- Nicole Sabella & Maria Christina Hilber: SPINNEFEIND
- Sonja Riegler und Antoine Quintard: Il faut danser l'amour.

How is our love organized? How do we canalize our feelings of hatred? And: What is love? In (queer-) feminist love relationships we free our desire and seek new forms of relationships. Are we driven by our emotions – do we control them ourselves? Or have the algorithms of Tinder and the social media taken over that task a long time ago? When we like and confirm things, we glide through emotional capitalism that is sparked by longings and emotions without any resistance. Who profits from our emotions? Who deserves our emotions?
Lustful/boring has become our guideline. Love and hatred are lustful, whereas we consider the overtones, that do not directly stimulate us, to be boring.

Doors: 19h
Start: 20h

Afterparty at Celeste (free donations)
- Soundküche (Graz/Wien)
- Luca b2b Windom (Mellow Heat, Wien)

Entry: Free Donation - Suggestion 5€ (we are a No-Budget Organisation: everything will go to the performers)

Montag, 13. Februar 2017

at Base India Residency

This February and March I am staying at the Base India Residency devoted to art, philosophy and ecology. We are studying Deleuze, Nietzsche, Freud and the Yoga Sutras, research on collective creation of a field from with philosophy emerges naturally and have a lot of time for our individual work. Love from there.

by the way: here is a little guest DJ appearance of myself in Iris Julian's Video of her performance the in/visible club culture project at Explosophy #2.

the in/visible club culture project @ philosophy unbound from iris julian on Vimeo.

Samstag, 7. Januar 2017

Explosophy #2 - 2 Years Philosophy Unbound

Philosophy Unbound is excited to celebrate its second anniversary with its friends, supporters and adversaries. For this special occasion we are proud to announce the performances of Anna de Marco, Max Oravin and Iris Julian. These will be followed by our our very own Fernando Johansson Will and Kilian Jörg back to back in an open end DJ-Set.

14th of January 2017, 22h-7h
Venster99, Gürtelbogen 99, 1090 Wien

22:30  Oravin
Die Grenzbereiche zwischen Noise und elektronischer Tanzmusik, Singen und Sprechen, Sprache und Sprachlosigkeit erkundend, steht Oravin sowohl in der Tradition des deutschen New Wave als auch der österreichischen experimentellen Dichtung.

23:30  Anna de Marco

00:30 KLN b2b Fernando Johansson [Philosophy Unbound Berlin/Vienna]

22:00 - 04:00 “the in/visible club culture project”
Every hour there will be a performative intervention by
Iris Julian.

Doors 22:00

Entry: Free Donation - Suggestion 5€ (we are a No-Budget Organisation: everything will go to the performers)

Philosophy Unbound is a Vienna and Berlin based collective dedicated to open up new forms of and spaces for philosophy. For more information see: