I am very happy to announce that - as Philosophy Unbound - we will be organizing our second festival. After New Delhi last year, this time we will hold it in Vienna, the city were our collective first started from. The topic will be devoted to Donna Haraway's concept of MAKING KIN and it will take place at Schikaneder from 24th to 26th of May 2019.
Afterwards the festival will continue in the location of the other collective I am involved in: Stoffwechsel - Ecologies of Collaboration will perform a "thought collective"in the 4 days after the festival from 27th to 30th of May!
Make kin, not babies - this is Donna Haraway’s appeal in times of
growing ecological and political devastation.
Make kin in unhinged times!
Philosophy Unbound invites you to think together about community, new
commitments and alliances beyond the traditional forms of family,
patriarchy and established institutions. Who may consider whom family
and in what context? Who is allowed to declare solidarity with whom? To
team up? To rely on one another? And who is actually “fix zam”?
the radically new and catastrophic times which we’re trying to grasp
with names like Anthropocene and Capitalocene, new forms of sharing the
world, world-participation and response-ability are needed to enable the
art of living and dying well for as many earthly critters as possible.
How do we recollect ourselves on this poisoned, devastated, ruined
planet? How do we want to imagine a common life and death beyond toxic
norms? How can we create security and shelter beyond the biological
family? How can queer ways of life reconcile us with the Chaosmos? How
can newly created cooperations take a stand against resistance? And what
happens if the newly established wants to dissolve again but can’t or
isn’t allowed to?
For more information see