Since last Monday brave activists are blocking and occupying the construction of the Lobau-highway - a crazy dinosaur-modernist project (its original name was in fact "Reichsautobahn" and yes - it was first designed in this awful time) that seeks to build a highway through Vienna's only National park.
That this has to be stopped is of course no question - and so I invite everybody in and around Vienna to come to the climate camp, show our solidarity and occupy with us! The climate camp itself is actually really nice to hang out - you can find it at Anfanggasse 2 in 1220 Vienna.
On Thursday and Friday, 11-13h me and my friend Johannes Siegmund from Philosophy Unbound will hold little philosophical lectures on climate issues. I will talk about the Utopia of the car-free world (Friday), and Johannes about the relation of climate change, migration and racism (Thursday). Come bye and bring your tent - there is still a lot of space and the weather is nice!