This is the blog / recent activities of Kilian Jörg, a philosopher and artist mainly working on the ecological catastrophe and how we can culturally work with it. Find more on my homepage
Freitag, 16. Juni 2023
Extrem Reaktionsfreudig for TQW
I was invited to write a text-reaction to Sabina Holzer's which dances by TQW Magazine on Aluminium. Find the text here - it will also appear in translation in the upcoming days.
Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2023
"Die letzte Waschung" @skug Straßenfest
Hi there! After weeks away in French autonomous zones like the wonderful Longo Mai (more soon), I will be back in Vienna this weekend and will - with the wonderful Sabrina Rosina - perform the "Letzte Waschung" / "Last Washing" as a public intervention for the skug Straßenfest. It will take place on Saturday 10th of June all day. Please pop by, there will be a great program all day at the "occupied" (as they call streets that are used as public space and banned for cars) Taborstraße. Find more information here and a video documentation of our last performance of "Die Letzte Waschung" here.