Montag, 6. Januar 2025

Ecological Reasonings - Out Now!

Many of you know I have been working on what could be understood as Reasonability in the Anthropocene for more than 8 years. Well, what has been my PhD has now been released as a book titled Ecological Reasonings with Bloomsbury.

"Beautifully and carefully intervening in what have been perhaps too-settled waters, the book offers a compelling account of the sensuous and situated reasoning practices we might craft in confronting the multiple ecological catastrophes we face. Understanding reasonings as a collective endeavour, built in relationships among beings, actants, and our unevenly shared milieux, Jörg offers an inspiring call to building a different “we” that can playfully and in an ongoing way contribute to shared life in a living world."

This is how my dear friend Alexis Shotwell describes the work and I wholeheartedly invite you to take a look for yourself. Unfortunately, it is only out as hardcover as of now (meaning it has a ridicolous price), but maybe you can ask your trusted library to get it for you. Otherwise I encourage you to win the lottery, rob a bank or wait for another 18 month, which I am told is when the paperback (for 28€) will be released.

Also, if you know of any podcasts, conferences or symposia that might be interested in the work, I would be happy to present it and be forwarded by you to the occasion!

What role does 'reason' have in tackling the catastrophic ecological situation of the early 21st-century? Can the concept shrug off its problematic role in Western epistemology and find a new place and function in dealing with the Anthropocene? In Ecological Reasonings, Kilian Jörg argues that we ignore reason at our peril.

This book revolves around the idea that in order to salvage reason, we must include it in the current move to pluralize the key concepts of Western philosophy – where we once talked of nature, science and technology, we now talk about natures, sciences, and technologies. In the same way, it is time to reconceptualize reason as reasonings – a diverse and multi-perspectival wealth of interactions that can create a vital alternative to the mainstream academic thought. Drawing on a broad span of theoretical traditions including new materialism, eco-feminism, embodied performance and speculative philosophy, Jörg weaves countless voices and aspects together to demonstrate the rich texture of his pluralized vision. The impact of these new reasonings on the pressing challenges of our time can be seen in the sheer scope of these elements, from the role of artificial intelligence to the post-truth society and how science can shape our own self-understanding.

Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2025

Dead City Driving - Discussion with Tadzio Müller about Climate Activism in about:blank - 10/1/24

I am already very much looking forward to this event:


A100 wegbassen lädt ein, denn: Repression kostet, Klimakrise wird richtig teuer, Parken bleibt umsonst. Expert*innenempfehlen mehr Beton, wir empfehlen: Disko, Umsturz, Landpartie. Tadzio Müller und Kilian Jörg unterhalten sich über Kollaps, Gefühle und das Auto als ökologische Katastrophe, trinken Schnaps und geben Tips. Sie beschimpfen das Auto und seine Welt und sprechen über Hoffnung inmitten der Katastrophe. Zusammen mit der BI A100 sprechen sie darüber, wie wir den Weiterbau der Autobahn verhindern werden. 
Moderiert von TOP B3rlin. Im Anschluss Tanz. Soli für A100 Wegbassen. 

Lesung und Gespräch | 20:00 Uhr | Kilian Jörg ("Das Auto und die ökologische Katastrophe") und Tadzio Müller ("Zwischen friedlicher Sabotage und Kollaps") | 
Special Guest: BI A100 Party | 22 Uhr | music on the brink of time. 
 +++ Soli-Merch +++ Zeltkneipe +++ Hütte +++