Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2015

Das Anti-Chamäleon

I already announced earlier that I will publish a text on political methodology, rounding up my more and more political posts of the last months (like here, here and here).

This now happened and I am proud to announce that you can find the collaborative text "Das Anti-Chamäleon" by Jorinde Schulz and myself in beautiful engagée 2 - Ekstase.

The magazine is really beautiful and I would strongly recommend you to buy it - it really feels good to hold it into your hand - but for preview purposes you can see the entire magazine here and download our Anti-Chamäleon here.

The text is held in German (if anybody is interested in publishing it in English, I would love to translate it!) and is about ecstatic strategies of becoming-animal as a political method. This might sound rather complicated, however - I hope the text is more comprehensible.

Also: engagée will be presented next Saturday, 5th of December 2015, 19h at engagée's studio at Hermanngasse 19/1,  1070 Wien - unfortunately I can't be there to read though. 


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