Montag, 28. Januar 2019

Die Clubmaschine - Hamburg Release

Monday next week we'll have our next and fourth book release of Die Clubmaschine. This time in the newly rebuilt Golden Pudel Club in Hamburg! Like in Berlin, we will be accompanied with a Post-Club sound intervention by wonderful Ånsgar and afterwards there will be Trauma Team #18 with Tanita Olbrich. See you there!

Die Clubmaschine (Release)
4.2.2019 20.30
Golden Pudel - Sankt Pauli, Fischmarkt 27, 20359 Hambourg

Freitag, 11. Januar 2019

"Nietzsche & ökologische Vernunft - Nietzsche nutzen im Anthropozän" @ Berliner Nietzsche Colloquium (BNC)

For those of you interested in what I am researching on for already six years and what will - hopefully - be released under the title "Affirmation of Ecological Reason" in a couple of years, there is a chance to see me presenting a chapter from this project at the Berliner Nietzsche Colloquium (BLC) next Wednesday. Under the title "Nietzsche & ökologische Vernunft - Nietzsche nutzen im Anthropozän" I will present how we can use Nietzsche productively in eco-sophical discourses around the Anthropocene. The presentation will be held in German and you are all cordially invited!

16. Jan. 2019, 18h
Kilian Jörg (Universität Wien): 
Nietzsche & ökologische Vernunft. Nietzsche nutzen im Anthropozän 
Wednesday, 18h (ct), TU Berlin, Hauptgebäude (Str. des 17. Juni 135), Raum H7112

Full program here 

Mittwoch, 2. Januar 2019

Die Clubmaschine Release on 10th of January in Berlin

"Die Clubmaschine" - Release
10th of January 2019, 20h
Antiquariat Kalligramm
Oranienstraße 28, 10999 Berlin