Freitag, 11. Januar 2019

"Nietzsche & ökologische Vernunft - Nietzsche nutzen im Anthropozän" @ Berliner Nietzsche Colloquium (BNC)

For those of you interested in what I am researching on for already six years and what will - hopefully - be released under the title "Affirmation of Ecological Reason" in a couple of years, there is a chance to see me presenting a chapter from this project at the Berliner Nietzsche Colloquium (BLC) next Wednesday. Under the title "Nietzsche & ökologische Vernunft - Nietzsche nutzen im Anthropozän" I will present how we can use Nietzsche productively in eco-sophical discourses around the Anthropocene. The presentation will be held in German and you are all cordially invited!

16. Jan. 2019, 18h
Kilian Jörg (Universität Wien): 
Nietzsche & ökologische Vernunft. Nietzsche nutzen im Anthropozän 
Wednesday, 18h (ct), TU Berlin, Hauptgebäude (Str. des 17. Juni 135), Raum H7112

Full program here 

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